Senior students

Our students complete their HSC through the HSC Pathways Program, introduced into the education reform in 2007. This program is to assist students gain their HSC in a more manageable and achievable way.
Instead of the traditional 6 subjects in Year 11 followed by the full Year 12 program, our students combine their learning, but to only complete 3 full HSC subjects in any one year. This way if a student can only complete one year, they still receive a partial completion of a HSC. Additionally, students may complete their HSC over more than 2 years if necessary.

Students are able to choose their subjects from the streams available based on their Personal Education Program (PEP), Individual Education Plan (IEP), and build a program that best suits their individual learning needs
Instead of the traditional 6 subjects in Year 11 followed by the full Year 12 program, our students combine their learning, but only complete 3 full HSC subjects in any one year. This way if a student can only complete one year, they still receive a partial completion of a HSC. Additionally students may complete their HSC over more than 2 years if necessary.

Students are able to choose their subjects from the streams available based on their Individual Education Program (IEP) and build a program that best suits their individual learning needs

As Alesco is a small school we do not have the range of subjects students may find in some larger schools. The emphasis for us is on ensuring students are engaged and enjoying their learning and the delivery of quality education in the subjects we do offer.

The subjects offered each year depend on the needs of the students. For the current subject selections please download a copy of our current brochure.

Students who may not have successfully completed Year 10 may still be eligible to enroll in our HSC Pathways Program if through consultation or assessment the Principal or the Head Teacher believes
that the student has a reasonable chance of satisfactorily completing Higher School Certificate.

Many of Alesco students will complete their HSC with a Non ATAR pathway. Unless students have specific intent to enrol in University studies in the year directly following the completion of HSC, we would encourage students to consider if there is any benefit for them to study ATAR eligible subjects. However, where a University pathway is the identified one, we are able and willing to work with students to ensure they choose subjects that make this a possibility.

In addition to ATAR and Non ATAR, students are also able to select Vocational Education and Training (VET) subjects as a part of their HSC. These subjects can form part of the students HSC but also result in a nationally recognised qualification issued by our Authorising Body – ÌÀÍ·Ìõ, who is also a Registered Training Organisation (RTO – 90020)

Apply today or call us on 02 4925 4200.

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